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Care Coordinator

The Care Coordinator at Austin Peay State University is within the Student Affairs division and is responsible for providing comprehensive care and support to students facing various challenges, including mental health, physical health, personal crises, and other barriers to academic success. The Care Coordinator works directly with students and collaboratively with university stakeholders to ensure students have the necessary resources and assistance to thrive.  

The Student of Concern Form is intended to provide guidance in those instances where a university community member becomes aware of a person whose behavior is concerning, or whom you are concerned about. In particular, this report facilitates the reporting of questions or concerns about any student who may pose a potential threat to their own health and safety or to the health and safety of others.

Care Team

Care team is a multi-disciplinary group. The team meets frequently to collaborate on problem-solving, aiming to eliminate barriers that hinder student achievement. (Eventually this team can provide training to the campus community on a variety of topics that hinder student success. QPR, Neurodivergence, PTSD, Bystander Intervention, Mental Health First Aid, etc.)

Behavioral Threat Assessment Team 

Comprised of select members from the Care Team, this group follows the guidelines set by NaBITA and uses industry-specific specialized tools to identify and evaluate the risk of potential on-campus violence. The team also oversees the implementation of an appropriate intervention or campus response to ensure campus health, safety and wellbeing. This teams meets on an as needed basis.

Suicide Prevention

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among college students. If you are interested in being trained in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) please reach out to Sharon West at wests@8008c.com or Claudia Alonzo alonzoc@8008c.com

Resources if you or someone you know is in crisis: